Getting a degree from a reputed foreign university can help you leapfrog your competition and give you an edge in today’s global workplace. However, going overseas to study can be nerve wracking for students and their families. In addition to budgeting for the spiraling cost of tuition and living expenses, choosing the appropriate career path, selecting your major and courses, staying on top of intake dates and application deadlines, preparing for interviews with admissions counselors and visa officers, crafting your SOP and resume, and navigating study abroad programs from colleges and universities can be a chimera for students and parents alike. Decision fatigue sets in rapidly. At IILT, we have identified best practices and we have partnered with trustworthy and efficient leaders in the overseas education programs. Our team of efficient and diligent counselors will hold your hand through the entire process and help you navigate the myriad overseas study options, application deadlines, majors, colleges, and universities. This way we’ll do the grunt work for you and you can free your mind and start packing your bags for greener pastures. Fill out your profile and give us a call today. Our counselors will get in touch with you so you can get started ASAP.
There are many reasons why students select overseas study destinations for pursuing their bachelors,
post graduate, masters, and PhD programs. Some of the compelling reasons are:
• Better international educational
• Opportunity to study at reputed
• Career development opportunities
• Personal development opportunities
• Hone language and communication
• Have an enriching life experience
• See the world and travel
• Social mobility
• Develop an appreciation for new
• Develop lifelong networks and
• Develop lifelong networks and
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